I love the words to this hymn
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
What a wonderful God we have that accepts us the way we are and loves us anyway! Grace is a real gift from the Father that loves us. We didn't do anything to deserve it, and He paid for it so we didn't have to.
Webster's Dictionary defines grace as
unmerited divine assistance given humans
for their regeneration or sanctification
It makes me think about the gifts we give each other. Sometimes we go crazy buying gifts to show people how much we love them. But the real gifts we can give each other are far better and much less pricey! Patience, understanding, unconditional love, hope, support, compassion, encouraging words... I could go on and on. All of these gifts are much needed by everyone. It is surprising the reactions you will get when you give them freely.
Then there are the gifts we think we are giving, but will end up at the return desk.
Unasked for advice, guilt, control... you get the picture.
So what are the differences, and how do we know which ones we are giving?
One word.
All of the "return desk" gifts are spontaneous. We give them NOW with not a lot of thought. We have good intentions, we think we are doing/saying the right thing.
All of the needed gifts are filled with patience. The same patience God our Father uses with us daily. He could easily jump right in and tell us what we are doing wrong, but He is waiting for us to realize what we are doing and ask for His help. And He is always there. ALWAYS! Even when you don't think He is, He IS.
The gift of grace is often overlooked and forgotten. Make sure you always remember that He has given you the ultimate gift. Make sure the gifts you give are unforgettable, too.